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Rawhide procurement falls short of target in Magura

June 23, 2024 00:00:00

Traders processing rawhides of sacrificial animals in Notun Bazar area of Magura town, which were collected during Eid-ul-Azha.


MAGURA, June 20: Traders have failed to procure rawhides of sacrificial animals as per their target during Eid-ul-Azha in the district this year.

Traders' sources said the rawhides and skins of slaughtered animals they collected during the Eid were 50 per cent less than their target.

According to the District Livestock Office, about 25,500 cattle were slaughtered in the district during Eid-ul-Azha this year. But they could procure only 13,000 units of rawhides and skins.

Non-payment of outstanding bills by tanneries, lack of loan facilities, price hike of salt and costlier labour are the reasons behind the recession they are already experiencing in business.

Trader Abdul Wahab of Chhayabithi Road in Magura town said, "This year I have procured only 700 pieces of rawhides of sacrificial cattle as against 1,000 last year. Shortage of capital is the main reason behind such a small-scale purchase."

"Despite repeated knockings, tannery owners are yet to pay my arrear bills of Tk20 lakh. Non-payment of dues is the key reason for such a low procurement of rawhides this Eid," he added.

Razu Khan, a skin trader of Vina area, told the FE, "Earlier we purchased rawhides at the government fixed rates. But we sold those at lower prices to the tannery owners making loss."

"Though we collect skins from the grassroots level, the government sanctions loan for tannery owners and exporters depriving us," he lamented.

"At the same time, price of raw salt and labour cost have registered a sharp rise, denting further our capacity to buy rawhides," Razu said.

"Now we are purchasing raw salt at Tk1,300 per bag (60 kg) as against Tk900 last year . We are paying Tk1,400 per labourer a day this year as against Tk1,200 last year. Consequently, our skin processing cost has swelled at a large scale . In this situation, we are facing extreme difficulties in procuring rawhides," he added.

Abu Taleb, a resident of Vina village in Magura sadar upazila, said, "I sacrificed two goats during Eid-ul-Azha. I went to Notun Bazar of Magura town with two pieces skin for sale spending Tk50 as rickshaw fare. But no trader agreed to purchase the skins. I threw those to bush with a broken heart."

Low price of rawhides and skins is frustrating the mosque, madrasa and orphanages authorities.

On contact, Muktadir Rahman, director of Al Amin Orphanage in Notun Bazar area of the town, said, "Last year our income from donated rawhides of sacrificial animals was Tk1.5 lakh during Eid-ul-Azha. But the figure has come down to as less as Tk one lakh this year."

"Now I am worried about how to run the orphanage due to abnormal fall in income from the sale of donated rawhides," he added.

When contacted, Magura Chamber of Commerce and Industry director Tanvir Rahman said, "For want of international certification of skins, our traders are being deprived of the fair price."

"Leather industry will face ruination in near future unless the government takes a proper policy in this regard right now," he added.

Diderul Alam, manager of Sonali Bank Magura main branch, said, "Local rawhide traders come to us for loan before Eid-ul-Azha. But we can't provide the same. If we get exact instructions from the higher authorities, we are ready to help the local traders."

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