RU researchers claim success in preventing cadmium in rice, wheat cultivation

RU Correspondent | Published: May 06, 2019 01:26:27

Assistant professor of Botany Department, RU, Ahmad Humayun Kabir working at a laboratory — FE Photo

RAJSHAHI, May 05: Some researchers at the Rajshahi University (RU) have achieved success in their research to prevent cadmium in the cultivation of rice and wheat.
Two researchers' team led by Ahmad Humayun Kabir, assistant professor of Botany Department conducted this research work with thirty varieties of rice for two long years. Meanwhile, the research has been published in two journals in the United States and the Netherlands recently.
Dr Md Abu Reza of the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Department, Prof Mamunur Rashid Talukder of the Applied Physics and Electronic Engineering Department and UGC Prof Dr M Alfaz Uddin were also associated with the research work.
In the research work, they got a rice variety named 'Sonar Bangla' which is cadmium free. Despite of planting on cadmium mixed land the plants of Sonar Bangla does not accept cadmium.
Researchers were successful in reducing cadmium into Sonar Bangla rice and it is also possible to shift breeding or genes with other varieties of rice. They claimed that seeds of other varieties of rice do not have this efficacy. Besides, the researchers managed to make the seeds of wheat saplings cadmium resistant by applying Plasma Treatment.
Scientist Ahmed Humayun Kabir said there are some genes in the seed of Sonar Bangla that prevent cadmium effectively. If this variety of seed is seeded with other varieties of rice seed, then cadmium tolerable DNA gene can be passing through each to other variety.
Usually cadmium enter inside the plant from soil and stored at the vacuole of the root. But the Phytoculetic Gene of vacuole at Sonar Bangla rice is strong. As a result, cadmium cannot be spreading from root to other parts of this plant.
He also said that the variety of Sonar Bangla rice is not very popular in Bangladesh. This type of seed is not accepting cadmium from soil naturally. Although the variety is grown with cadmium mixed soil, its yield is normal. So, due to cadmium resistance we will be benefitted environmentally.
Researchers informed that cadmium resistant Plasma treatment belongs to PH level of soil for the wheat cultivation. When Plasma treatment wheat seeds are planted on cadmium mixed soil, then the roots of the plant emit hydrogen ions. PH decreases cadmium around the roots.
Then cadmium becomes unacceptable for the plant. Besides, researchers also reduced the level of cadmium on wheat seeds with different volts 'shock' in the electric chamber.
This information is the first in the world to remove cadmium by using Plasma Treatment. Through this, it is possible to increase the crops production and ensure the human health security by removing cadmium.
Researchers informed, "Cadmium is a type of toxic chemical" and similar to arsenic which inhibits the normal growth of the tree. Extra cadmium is harmful for agriculture and environment. Cadmium also causes cancer. This level varies in different parts of the country.

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