Sreepur zamindar estate on verge of ruination

FE Team | Published: July 02, 2024 21:29:07

A partial view of Sreepur zamindar estate at Sreepur upazila headquarters in Magura district — FE Photo

MAGURA, July 02: Sreepur zamindar estate, a historical relic that is situated in Sreepur upazila headquarters of the district, is on the verge of ruination for lack of years of maintenance.
According to history, Sarada Ranjan Pal purchased landed property in Sreepur region from Nabab Alibardi Khan. Subsequently Udayaddita, son of Jashore region king Protapaditta, married Biva Rani Pal, daughter of Sharada Ranjan Pal.
Sharada constructed this house with the help of kind Protapadditta who was very influential and a man of obstinate nature.
On the other hand, Sharada Ranjan Pal was reverse in character. He was very generous and a man of simple nature. Subsequently, the reverse character of Protapadditta and Sharada Ranjan Pal badly influenced the conjugal life of Uddayadditta and Biva Pal.
Rabindranath Tagore composed his great novel 'Bou Thakuronir Hut' which turned into a popular creation of Bengali literature.
History reveals that the popular character of 'Bou Thakuranir Hut' 'Shuroma'was born and brought up in this zamindar estate. Udayaditta along with his wife at times came to his house.
The house still stands with several rooms, lion gate and a locker. But, all these will face ruination within a very short time unless necessary steps are taken to maintain this valuable relic right now.
Septuagenarian Amit Pal of Sreepur said, "We are demanding declaration of the relic as archeological asset for years. But our demand is falling on deaf ears."
Octogenarian Durgaproshad Vattacharga of Sreepur town said, "If we fail to protect this glorious relic, our future generation will blame us. Proper steps to preserve this relic are not so tough task. But this demand is going unheeded for years.
Researcher Mazeda Khatun and former Bengali teacher of Sreepur Government Degree College says, "Sreepur zamindar Bari' is our glorious heritage. It can be a unique tourist spot. But unfortunately due to negligence, we are going to lose this valuable archeological asset."
Researcher and Assistant Professor of GK Ideal College under Sreepur upazila Dr Mushafir Nazrul said Sreepur Zamindar Bari is our glorious heritage . But this valuable relic is on the verge of ruination due to negligence.
Professor Habibul Hasan, executive member of Sayed Atar Ali Public library in Magura, said that Sreepur Zamindar Bari can be a unique tourist spot following proper planning.
In this way, people of different districts can know this valuable archeological asset. But the government authorities are turning a blind eye to this valuable asset.
When contacted, Magura Additional Deputy Commissioner Abdul Kader said, "We are contemplating on maintaining all historical relics of the district. After investigation and visit, a proper step will be taken in this regard."

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