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Tangail papaya growers making good profit

Our Correspondent | September 30, 2019 00:00:00

TANGAIL, Sept 29: Papaya growers in the district are making a good profit this season due to high market price of their produce.

Local sources said many grassroot farmers in the district have attained financial solvency by growing papaya on a commercial basis.

Sources at the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), Tangail, said they provided all necessary support in growing the vegetable.

Papaya was cultivated on 1,250 hectares of land in 12 upazilas in the district this year with an expectation of producing 37,500 tonnes of yield.

Currently papaya is selling at Tk 20 to Tk 30 per kg in the local markets.

Farmer Aftab Ali of Hatibandha village under Sakhipur upazila said he cultivated papaya on one bigha of land and made a profit of Tk 30,000 so far. He is expecting even more profit from the cultivation of the item in the next season.

Grower Hashem Miah of Araidona village under Basail upazila said papaya is being sold at Tk 650 to Tk 800 per maund in the wholesale market.

Shariful Islam, a sub-assistant agriculture officer of DAE, said papaya growers in the district are happy over the good price. Madhupur upazila is well-known for growing quality papaya.

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