Tree felling goes on unabated at JU amid environmental concern

FE Team | Published: June 05, 2024 00:28:07

Tree felling goes on unabated at JU amid environmental concern

JAHANGIRNAGAR UNIVERSITY, June 4 (UNB): Jahangirnagar University, famous for its unique green landscape, has lost another 200 trees recently as the authorities felled those for the construction of two buildings ignoring the students' demand for a master plan ahead of implementing development project.
The trees were felled behind the new registrar building of the university and in the extended part of Al-Beruni Hall on Sunday morning. Students said the university administration designated space behind the new registrar building for the construction of extended building of the Faculty of Arts and the extended part of Al-Beruni Hall for the construction of faculty building of the Department of Fine Arts.
Although the work remained stopped for so long in the face of students' protest, the felling of trees started Sunday in the presence of some teachers.
Meanwhile, students formed a human chain at the place of tree felling adjacent to the registrar building at 12 noon protesting the felling of trees.

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