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Veg price hits record high in Khulna

June 27, 2024 00:00:00

A vegetable vendor at the city's Boro Bazar — FE Photo

Our Correspondent

KHULNA, June 26: The prices of vegetables have gone beyond the reach of common people in Khulna, breaking its previous record.

Now, one kilogram of different vegetables is being sold at Tk 60-70 in the city markets. They were available at Tk 45-55 per kg only few weeks back.

While visiting different markets on Monday, this correspondent found that vendors were selling most vegetables at Tk 60-70.

The fish prices are also going up day by day. As a result, the poor and fixed-income people are facing troubles in maintaining their families' monthly budget.

Khairul Islam, a vegetable vendor at the city's Boro Bazar, said that the prices of vegetables had already broken all the previous records.

At present, potatoes are being sold at Tk 60/65 per kg which was sold at Tk 50/55 a few days ago.

Unseasonal tomatoes are being sold at Tk 60 per kg, but a week ago its price was Tk 40/45 per kg.

Red/green vegetables are being sold at Tk 40 per kg, green banana is also being sold at Tk 40/50 per hali although it was sold at Tk 30/40 before Eid-ul-Azha.

Eggs are sold at Tk 50 per hali, green chilli at Tk 200/250 per kg, brinjal at Tk 70/80 per kg, masur dal at Tk 145 per kg (locally produced).

The retail price of green chilli almost has gone beyond the commoners' reach.

On the other hand, the prices of all species of fishes are very high. Shing and magur fish are being sold at Tk 800/1000 per kg, but it was Tk 600/700 per kg a few weeks ago.

Rui and Katla fishes (one kg weighing) are being sold at Tk 400/450 per kg. Vatki is sold at Tk 800/1000 per kg and Hybrid koi fish at Tk 200 per kg.

People are reluctant to buy them as they are tasteless. Hybrid Pangash is being sold at Tk 120/150 per kg.

Hilsha fish is still very dearer although there is a plenty of supply to all the markets in Khulna.

The green grocers can't say exactly why the prices of vegetables are not coming down this season despite their massive supplies to the local markets in the divisional city.

When asked, Jaharana, a housewife of the city's TB Cross road area, said at Natun bazzar kitchen market that they assumed an immediate fall in the prices of all commodities, but their hopes were shattered with the bite of their further increase.

Salauddin, a chicken trader of the city, said they could not understand the reason behind the further price hike in the market.

Mainuddin, a fish trader, said fish supply to the markets has fallen. Moreover, supply of saline water fishes like hilsa, pursey and vetky is not adequate in local markets.

When asked about the rising prices of vegetables, green grocers were reluctant to comment.

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