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Search date: 04-09-2024 Return to current date: Click here

Earning remittance senders' trust

Remittance, the second biggest source of Bangladesh's foreign currency earning after exports, the expatriate workers send home may vary in amounts from time to time. The variation depends on multiple factors. Last month, for instance, the homebound remittance recorded a 39 per cent rise in comparison to what it was...

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No action plan yet to explore blue economy

Quite a few years have passed since the settlement of maritime disputes with neighbours in the designated international court. Still, there is nothing in view to suggest any mentionable work programme to explore the vast resources of the ocean- blue economy as it is fondly dubbed. Clearly, what the international...

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Genuine data for sound planning

One of the most disturbing pieces of news of the year about economy was the revelation that there had been systematic distortion of data by government bodies, especially the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) followed by Export Promotion Bureau (EPB). The implications of such lunacy have been felt by the...

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Time for universities to reorganise

Universities serve as the meeting place of teachers and students, embodying the intellectual core of a nation. They play a pivotal role in cultivating the minds that will steer the country's future, providing an environment conducive to the exchange and expansion of knowledge.However, the public universities of Bangladesh failed to...

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Hold police personnel accountable for murder

The entire nation remains acutely aware of the police brutality during the quota reform movement. Numerous individuals are currently fighting for life in hospitals, unsure whether they will ever reclaim a semblance of normalcy. Following the interim government's assumption of power, the police administration underwent multiple reorganisations. Reports suggest that...

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Differences between entrepreneur and businessman

Entrepreneurs and businessmen are both essential parts of the business world. They create two distinct but significant values in the market. Entrepreneurs are more likely involved in innovation by creating new business ideas. They are more interested in startups or technology-based innovative businesses and want to explore different places for...

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