'Election budget' or quality budget
When a new national budget is unwrapped in a country like Bangladesh, criticisms and queries do, usually, come aplenty from various interest groups and experts. For obvious reasons, it is almost impossible to prepare a budget that would satisfy everybody. The men in-charge of budget preparation burn midnight oil to...
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Mega budget: Implementation big challenge
The proposed national budget finance minister AMA Muhith presented to parliament on Thursday for the 2018-19 fiscal year (FY) is the biggest one in the country's history. The Tk 4.64 trillion budget, which is 25 per cent larger than that of the revised budget for the last FY, will once...
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Anti-Aedes drive and roof-gardens
Beginning humbly two decades back, roof-gardening is now everywhere in Dhaka. Few areas in the capital are found these days without buildings having thick, bushy gardens on rooftops. Many high-rise commercial buildings also grow flower plants, orchids and small trees on their roofs. Despite their being amateurishly planned and earthen...
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Mobile phone users' woes
That was the shock of my life. Perhaps it had been in waiting to catch me speechless. When I checked on the balance amount in my mobile phone after a refilling recently, the operator's SMS read that I had only Taka 9 left. The amount should have been over Tk...
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Correction (10-6-2018)
The second sentence of the editorial titled 'Where openness and transparency are not synonymous' published in the June 09, 2018 issue of Financial Express, the word 'print' was wrongly typed as 'point'. The sentence should actually read: "Most bits of it -- whether its aggregate size or its resources mobilisation...
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