Solar power in Char villages
The graduation from individual Solar Home Systems to nano- and mini-grids deserves to be considered a remarkable development, in that it enables villagers to utilise solar power in economical way. It has remarkably cut down the cost of using electricity. The media reports about people's large-scale switching over to solar...
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Rural labour: Real wage rate increasing
Labour market in rural areas has undergone radical changes over the couple of decades. This owes both to demand and supply side effects. In the 1980s, for example, about 30 per cent of the income of functionally landless households used to come from agricultural labour compared to below 10 per...
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Dhaka's video gaming problem
Digital games are bad for children as they can easily become addicted to them. Often, this addiction can drive children and teenagers to spend between 14 to 16 hours hunched before their Personal Computers (PC) or video gaming consoles. This issue is prevalent in the developed and developing countries alike....
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Teen gang violence increasing in the country
Over the past few years, teenage casualties of gang violence have been on the rise in Dhaka. On September 09, police arrested eight teenagers from Dakkhin Khan area of the city for the murder of Mehedi Hasan Shuvo (17) on August 31. Police also found the switchblade used to kill...
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Kindness towards animals
Cruelty towards animals is rampant in Bangladesh. Often smashed bodies of dogs or cats can be seen on roads and highways. These were run over by vehicles while the poor animals were trying to cross the roads.Also, young men and teenagers often torture dogs, cats and other animals that they...
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