Ensuring minimum wage for workers
Fixing minimum wage for workers is a tricky issue regardless of the sector of the economy they are employed in. Going by experience, the work of settling minimum wage, even for those in the industries including garment workers, who constitute organised section of the workforce, has proved to be very...
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High drug prices, obsolete drug policy and apathetic regulator
The rising cost of drugs, including life-saving medicines, has become an alarming issue -- one that appears to operate beyond the scope of effective state intervention. While there are occasional governmental initiatives to curb the price hikes of everyday consumer goods, the pharmaceutical sector remains largely unchecked. This lack of...
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Saving people from air pollution
Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh with a population of about 20 million crammed into an area of 300 plus square kilometres, is one of the worst liveable city in the world, in terms of air pollution level. Even the day before yesterday, Dhaka ranked first, according to IQAir, an air...
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Small contribution with a big impact
Winter in Bangladesh poses severe challenges to the underprivileged, particularly in the northern regions and urban homeless populations who suffer from the lack of warm clothes. Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable to cold-related illnesses.While individuals and organisations strive to provide temporary relief by distributing winter clothes, food, and...
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Tourism: A hidden income source for Bangladesh
Tourism is a vital pillar of the economy, acting as a significant driver of foreign currency inflow. It provides a crucial boost to a nation's foreign reserves. When tourists visit, they bring liquid dollars and spend across various sectors, strengthening the economy. Countries like Dubai and other Arab nations have...
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