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Search date: 22-01-2025 Return to current date: Click here

Cementing Dhaka-Beijing ties further

Foreign adviser Mr Touhid Hossain's ongoing four-day visit to China, the first-ever bilateral meeting between the incumbent interim government and that country, bears special significance for Bangladesh. This is more so because the meeting is taking place on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the...

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Raising the quality of social auditing

In today's business landscape, where stakeholders demand transparency and accountability on sustainable practices, social audits are proving increasingly crucial. They help businesses to demonstrate ethical business practices in their own operations and their supply chains. However, it is being reported that global social audit firms are facing increasing scrutiny for...

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Suicide by students exposes education's fault lines

While it is a sacred duty of society to develop children as worthy citizens with knowledge and excellent human qualities, many of them are made to meet the end of their life prematurely because of wrong academic targets set before them. Inordinate pressure on students for achieving top grades in...

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Alarming rise in road accidents--

Road accidents claim lives daily, often due to ignorance and recklessness of both drivers and pedestrians. Many pedestrians, in their rush to save time, cross roads haphazardly ignoring foot overbridges. Some are preoccupied with mobile phones, further jeopardising their safety. Such behaviours are one of the major causes for road...

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Helping children overcome digital addiction

We are now living in a digital world where our children grow up surrounded by technology and the internet. One of the biggest differences in the way that children live today is that they don't get as much exercise as their previous generations used to. This is because technology such...

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