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Search date: 22-09-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Developing automobile sector

If the country goes for car manufacture locally, the number one casualty is likely to be the importers of reconditioned cars. So the importers of reconditioned cars may have reasons to be wary of the government initiative to shape up the proposed Automobile Industry Development Policy 2020. As such importers'...

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Seeing through nature's extinctions

Around two decades ago, ecologists presented a weird picture of the earth following several phases of extinctions of cataclysmic proportions. The planet they visualised would be devoid of humans. Amid an eerie silence,slimycreatures would be seen moving around, some wriggling through mud, others hanging from leafless low-height trees. Amid such...

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The power of onion

The kitchen staple, onion, has again taken the centre stage. As its price doubled at the India's, or rather Asia's largest wholesale market for onion at Lasalgaon in the Nasik district of Maharashtra state, the central government in Delhi did not wait too long to arrest its further rise. Perhaps,...

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Stimulus package for students

Some educational institutions, especially private universities and schools, are managing classes online but students of public universities and schools from the rural areas are not covered by such facilities. The year 2020 may turn out to be the lost year and most students are likely to be affected by session...

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Loan guarantee issue

People take personal loan based on trust and a lot of people do business and make transactions accordingly. Thankfully, there are only few cases of breaching trust. That is the strength of Bangladesh society. But, banks and financial institutions despite being modern organisations are also using personal guarantors for distribution...

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One idea from each citizen

The Bangladeshi people have once again shown their resilience in the face of the latest disaster, the pandemic. They've endured pains, developed survival strategies, and have become optimistic. However, the overall situation has stagnated as there is no end of the coronavirus crisis in sight.At this stage, the people need...

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Our role in corona research

As if we've given all responsibilities of research on combatting Covid-19 to a handful of nations. Even if we accept that advanced countries and their universities and pharmaceutical companies would carry our research to develop vaccine, each country should have its own strategies and preparedness to overcome the challenges of...

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