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Search date: 24-06-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Allocating more fund for agriculture sector

The view that the country's agriculture sector is not receiving adequate attention of the policymakers can hardly be contested. The proof lies in the allocations that the government makes for various sectors in the national budgets annually. An FE report, quoting an influential member of the Planning Commission (PC), said...

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Bringing discipline in the banking sector

The classified loans of the state-owned commercial banks (SoCBs) continue to soar. It is so high that these are now failing to keep the required provisions against both classified and unclassified loans. The overall shortfall in provisions against classified and unclassified loans in the country's banking system jumped by nearly...

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Of gaffes, war-cry and racial profiling

The recent news of Albert Einstein's alleged ethnic bias in his observation of a nation may shock many. The great scientist has long been adored as an epitome of great human qualities and innocence. Such a sage-like person can remain mentally skewed towards the Chinese and will even use racial...

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March of women

Bangladesh may have yet to produce individual female talents in sport. The country appears to be quite far from taking pride in the likes of a Steffi Graf, a Gabriella Sabatani or a Serena Williams. The neighbouring India can boast of its Olympic participating athlete P.T. Usha. However, the achievements...

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The joy of reading

Reading is a pleasant activity that enlightens our hearts and minds. When we read we also encourage our children indirectly to read books, as children like to follow their parents. Books are like a vehicle that can take us to any era or country and help us meet with person...

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