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Search date: 26-02-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Contract farming and farm produce export

The agriculture sector has registered an export growth of 61 per cent during the first seven months of the current fiscal year compared with that over the corresponding period of last fiscal. The performance is likely to surpass the export target of US$ 711 million at the end of current...

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Fraught countdown to monsoon metro work

The sudden rainstorm that lashed out at Dhaka at dawn recently stands out with noticeable features. It did not occur in accordance with the normal Bangla seasonal pattern. The month being Falgoon, the time would have seen a mild post-winter temperate weather, punctuated by brief spells of shower. Secondly, rains...

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A recession we must be ready for

When economic giant Germany barely beats dipping in to recession in their last quarter it becomes a matter of global concern. Most of Europe is already there or precariously close and there's not much the European Central Bank (ECB) can do about it when Europe's most affluent powerhouse falls on...

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Changes in public transportation for women

In Bangladesh, transportation has become quite a big problem for women. They face a lot of difficulties while commuting between home and workplace, college, university etc. It does not look decent for women to run and compete with men to occupy a seat or just stand inside a crowded bus....

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Jar and bottled water

Water is very important for our life. We cannot live without it. But what we are drinking in the name of jar and bottled water is a big question. Often we read in the media about mobile court's fining and sentencing people for selling spurious water. The unscrupulous traders fill...

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Technology facilitating readers

Ekushey book fair is an integral part of our culture and language movement. Every year, many book-lovers wait for the month of February to visit the fair to browse and buy books. Reading books is a great way for entertainment and enlightenment. We should encourage people to read books and...

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