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Search date: 26-08-2024 Return to current date: Click here

Pruning unnecessary projects a pragmatic step

The decision by the interim government to list unessential and politically motivated projects for axing is a commendable and timely step. By streamlining development priorities, the interim government aims to avoid the wastage of public funds and ensure that resources are allocated efficiently. Given the prevailing economic challenges, a careful...

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Revolution before us

Neither students nor the masses who joined them in the political upheaval that reached its peak on August 5, could, perhaps, comprehend what they had done. That the entire nation owned August 5 and was ready to defend it at all costs was evident when people in every neighbourhood held...

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Mass resignation and the way forward

Never before has the country seen mass resignations of this scale. The resignation of the country's ousted premier opened the floodgate of voluntary stepping down by people in high positions of the three organs of the government---the legislative, executive and judiciary. But not all did relinquish their positions on their...

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Upper stream flooding conundrum

The Indian government portrays Bangladesh as a close ally with a special relationship, a bond that may have been stronger in the past with the previous administrations. However, recent actions suggest otherwise. Border killings persist, essential goods exports are halted during crises, and there is ongoing manipulation of river water...

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Curse of session jam in universities

In Bangladesh, session jam at universities has become a major issue. Session jam refers to the inability of students to complete their studies within the stipulated time, resulting in prolonged academic years. This causes mental and financial stress for students and delays their readiness for careers or permanently bar from...

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