Making use of coal reserves
The relevant state minister's statement, made during an interview with this paper recently, to the effect that the government has a plan to develop the country's unexploited coalmines using the state enterprises concerned would be appreciated, at least, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the start of the development work...
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Deaths on roads, highways
The statistics, presented by the Jatri Kallyan Samity, a passengers' welfare body late last week, are quite disturbing given the country's total number of registered motor vehicles and the length of roads and highways. According to the statistics compiled by the Samity, a total of 7,221 people were killed and...
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Nightmarish dust
Dust thou art, to dust returnest Thus Henry Wadsworth Longfellow writes of the human body in his seminal poem, A Psalm of Life. However, the poem at no point deals with frustration or pessimism. In the following line, Not spoken of the soul, the poet clarifies that Life is real!...
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A laudable BR initiative
This letter is in reference to the report, titled 'BR to buy 125 luggage vans to bring essentials to city', which was published in the Financial Express on January 27, 2019. The report says that in a bid to keep the markets of key essential commodities stable in Dhaka, the...
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'No-Facebook' Day
Across the globe, there are over 2.2 billion active users of Facebook as of January 2018. In Bangladesh, nearly 92 million people used the internet in November last year. From this number, 86 million use mobile internet. The number of Facebook users is increasing dramatically in our country and so...
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