Helping returnee migrant workers
The reported 'inability' of the Probashi Kallyan Bank (PKB) to locate potential clients for its rehabilitation loans meant for the returnee migrant workers is not anyway helping the government-owned institution to achieve its basic goals. Non-availability of a comprehensive database of migrant workers has been cited by the incumbent head...
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Two myths of the 2008 meltdown
Over the last decade, research by many economists, including us, arrived at a broadly shared narrative of the 2008-2009 financial crisis. As we describe in our new book, A Crisis of Beliefs: Investor Psychology and Financial Fragility, the fundamental cause of the crisis was the deflation of the housing bubble,...
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Space for recreational centres
A recent front page FE photograph of a vast railway land lying uncared for in Dhaka is in sharp contrast with a news report about the Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC). The news deals with a city beautification project undertaken by the corporation in the capital's Karwanbazar area. According to...
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Public library at Hatirjheel
The Hatirjheel project has undoubtedly added a great deal of flair to the capital city. Every day, hundreds of people gather at the spot to simply hang out, witness the scenic beauty of the spot or heave a sigh of relief from hectic personal and professional hassles.Hundreds of people from...
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Helping senior citizens
The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) has mentioned recently that the average life expectancy of the people here has already exceeded 70 years. While this is undoubtedly a great development for a country like Bangladesh, it should be noted that people in their '60s begin suffering from physical, mental and...
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