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Search date: 31-08-2024 Return to current date: Click here

Reversing decline in life expectancy

Life expectancy at birth predicts how long a newborn baby is expected to live. Obviously, such predictability in large measure depends on the overall health condition of the population in question. Admittedly, the healthier a population is the greater the possibility of longer lives for its newborns. So, what is...

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Ulterior motive behind faulty energy plan

Successive governments from 2009 onwards were headed by the same party and the country ended up paying billions of dollars for establishing several mega projects that were supposed to generate 40 Gigawatts (GW) of power by 2030. If the biggest scam over the last 15 years centred around the banking...

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Relief work is no adventure

It is heartening to find that hundreds and thousands of people, especially younger ones, have joined their hands to mobilise relief materials for the flood-affected people in the country's south-eastern part. People enthusiastically donate money, clothes, dry foods, bottled water, water purification tablets and other drugs, candles and lighters, and...

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Extending tenure of interim government

The interim government is currently focused on overhauling the entire system. As time progresses, the extent of the irregularities plaguing our state-owned institutions is becoming increasingly apparent. Addressing these issues is a lengthy process. Recently, people from various sectors have taken to the streets, demanding redress for the injustices they...

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Politicising flood serves no purpose

The recent clamour in Bangladesh over India causing floods by releasing water from its dams has been debunked by credible fact-checking sources, including DW. It confirmed that many of the videos allegedly showing water releases from the Dumbur Dam were, in fact, from different locations and times. According to experts,...

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