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A commuter's nightmare

April 16, 2018 00:00:00

Commuting in Dhaka has turned worse over the past few years. In fact, the situation seems to be deteriorating despite various actions taken by the government.

In this regard, let me share an example of my own. With my office in Motijheel and residence in Uttara, I end up spending three to four hours daily in the nagging traffic congestion. The situation becomes worse when there is any protest rally, time for VIP movement or any foreign dignitary visiting Dhaka. There is apparently no alternative to road transport facilities either. Of course, there is an alternative in the form of train services for the Uttara residents who can travel to Kamalapur Railway station and negotiate their way to office. But not everyone has their offices in Motijheel. Also, at times, the trains tend to be delayed by one to two hours.

My suggestion is simple: it would be better if the government takes steps to improve the inland waterways.

Dipangkar Sen

Road 10, Sector 7

Uttara, Dhaka.

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