Acquiring knowledge, not grade

FE Team | Published: August 31, 2020 19:51:19

Acquiring knowledge, not grade

Our education system has changed and learners should be evaluated in terms of skills,knowledge and moral values. It's important to make studentsrealise that they need not run after grades, rather than learning. The excessive pressure on students to get a good grade has defeated the purpose of education, making many unfit for their career or facing practicalities of life.
Graduate unemployment shows one face of the economy failure to create jobs. The learners in many cases,cannot prove their skills and knowledge while facing the challenges of service life. The pandemic has created scope to have a rethink about our education. Work from home, holding virtual meetings, and joining classes online - all these have created need for higher level of communications skills that include good understanding of subjects, knowledge of language and ability to act promptly.
Md. YeasinHasanAbir
North South University, Dhaka

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