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Letters to the Editor

Addressing the skill mismatch

September 11, 2024 00:00:00

The persistent skill mismatch between job market demands and available talent has long remained a cause for concern. As our nation strides towards economic growth and industrial diversification, this mismatch is becoming a critical barrier to our progress.

Despite a growing number of graduates coming out each year, many employers are struggling to find candidates with the right skill set. This disconnect highlights an urgent need for a reevaluation of our educational and vocational training systems. Current curricula often emphasize theoretical knowledge over practical skills, leaving graduates ill-equipped for the demands of modern industries.

To bridge this gap, there must be a concerted effort to align educational programmes with industry needs. Collaboration between educational institutions and employers can ensure that training is relevant and up-to-date. Additionally, expanding vocational training and apprenticeships can provide hands-on experience that complements academic learning.

Furthermore, the government should consider investing in continuous professional development programmes and support lifelong learning to help the existing workforce adapt to evolving industrial requirements. By addressing the skill mismatch, we can enhance productivity, stimulate economic growth, and improve employment prospects for our citizens.

A pragmatic approach to resolving this issue will not only strengthen our economy but also empower our workforce to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing global market.

Mohammed ShahazmainInkiad Shifat


Bachelor in Business Administration

North South University

[email protected]

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