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Afghan army says it needs more help from Pakistan

June 05, 2007 00:00:00

KABUL, Jun 4 (Reuters): Afghanistan is not getting enough cooperation from neighbouring Pakistan as it battles a Taliban insurgency, the chief of the Afghan National Army said Monday.

"We have a relationship, of course, under the coordination of the United States," Gen. Bismillah Khan said. "The cooperation that we need, unfortunately, we don't get."

Khan made the comments as he toured a commando training centre on the outskirts of Kabul with US Defence Secretary Robert Gates, who is making his second visit to Afghanistan since taking over the Pentagon in December.

Khan said the two countries need a better exchange of information and more joint training exercises.

Relations between the uneasy neighbours, both US allies in its war on terrorism, have deteriorated in recent months. The worst violence in years erupted three weeks ago in a disputed border area in Afghanistan's southern Paktia province.

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