Alarming number of vehicles in Dhaka city

Asif Shohel | Published: March 10, 2015 00:00:00 | Updated: November 30, 2024 06:01:00

The first thing one finds after stepping in Dhaka city is an intense traffic jam. Dhaka is confronted with one of the major problems which are also being experienced by other major cities in the world, i.e., more vehicles than the roads can accommodate. As a result, traffic congestion is on the rise with every passing day and it is becoming one of the most unbearable aspects of life in Dhaka. Bangladesh is a small country and its capital Dhaka is considered as one of the biggest cities in the world. It has roads as much wide as it was needed and wherever needed couple of decades ago. But there has been a significant increase in the number of vehicles in the city in recent times. The whole situation is assuming the status of one of the major problems of the country.
Over the last few years the transportation problem of Dhaka City has been deteriorating steadily as citizens keep on complaining about the twin problems of traffic jam and air pollution. Democracy Watch launched an opinion poll covering around eight hundred households randomly selected from middle and lower income groups in a few neighbourhoods of the city that illustrates that increasing number of vehicles has already assumed an alarming status. Another  recent study has revealed that everyday 2000 new vehicles are added to the number of running vehicles. But sadly, neither the government had planned ahead to cope with the problem nor is it taking any significant step to remove the milieu. As a result, the rising intensity of traffic jam is making things worse inconceivably.
Traffic management system of Bangladesh remains to be the one that existed in the 80s of the last century. The new methods of traffic management are not being applied properly. Rickshaws, however, are identified as one of the most common causes of traffic jams. The number of rickshaws is disturbingly high and to make matters worse they show very little respect to traffic rules.  But they can not be pushed off the roads either, as they constitute one of the best means of communication and represent the greenest vehicle one may find.
Parking in the capital is another unfortunate aspect of urban life, because there is not enough designated parking space. In addition, most of the under construction buildings of the country which were thought to have enough room for storage of construction materials inside, do not actually have enough space for the purpose and as a result, the materials are either stacked outside on the pavement or on the road causing difficulties for vehicles and pedestrians.
The ways out of this situation involve money, planned traffic management system and organization. Money will be needed to improve the infrastructure of the country. It will be needed to build new flyovers, underground railways etc. to help improve the existing traffic situation. A well planned traffic management system can help the city get rid of its unwanted traffic jams. On the other hand, organization will help facilitate the formulation of proper traffic rules and regulations. Since rickshaws cannot be kept off the roads, they must be well-organized so that they can ply in compliance of the traffic rules. If the government takes proper initiatives, it can get rid of traffic jams more comfortably than it thinks it can. With a wisely formulated policy regulation, it will just be a matter of time when the city will have an organized traffic system and congestion free roads.

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