Astronauts to go on second spacewalk

FE Team | Published: June 14, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

HOUSTON, June 13 (AP): The astronauts asked to repair a loose thermal blanket on shuttle Atlantis have studied the fine points of aerospace engineering and built their strength for the strenuous task in weight rooms.
But the actual repair job may involve a skill they learned way back in their high school home economics classes - sewing.
NASA managers said Tuesday they are leaning toward having the astronauts repair the thermal blanket using stainless steel wire and an instrument with a rounded end that resembles a small needle.
No final decision has been made on when the repair will be made, or what repair technique will be used. Engineers also have looked at using wire ties and adhesives to secure the blanket. They are testing the different methods in heat and wind tunnel tests.
The shuttle astronauts' 11-day mission was extended by two days to allow time to fix the thermal blanket, which peeled up during launch last week.
The 4-by-6-inch damaged section sits over an engine pod and will be repaired during either the mission's third spacewalk Friday or the fourth spacewalk Sunday.
An investigation has started into how the blanket was secured before launch. Such blankets are used to protect the shuttle from searing heat during re-entry.

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