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Benefits of rising early

December 19, 2018 00:00:00

Often people are seen complaining that they do not have enough hours in a day to complete all their tasks. They can easily get done with most of their daily chores if they maintain the habit of going to bed early and waking up early.

Rising early can help a person to kick-start his or her day with a positive attitude. If they wake up early, they can witness the sunrise, exercise for some time and read the daily newspaper while having a full breakfast. They can also reach work early and get started on their tasks.

Most people want to go to bed early so that they can wake up early the next morning. But they end up wasting a lot of time browsing the internet and social media on their phones while in bed. This does not allow them to get proper sleep. Adequate sleep of at least seven hours is an essential part of being healthy.


Uttara, Dhaka

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