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British police defuse bomb in London

June 30, 2007 00:00:00

LONDON, June 29 (AP): Police thwarted an apparent terror attack Friday, discovering a parked silver Mercedes that was packed with gas containers and a large number of nails. The attack would have caused "significant injury or loss of life," police said.
A British security official told The Associated Press that there were similarities between the device and vehicle bombs used by insurgents in Iraq.
"Forensic staff are still examining the device, but once we know more about it, we'll know more about what type of individuals are behind this," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the security details.
The official said Britain's domestic spy agency MI5 also would examine possible connections between Friday's incident and at least two similar foiled plots - including a planned attack on a West End nightclub in 2004 and a thwarted attempt to use limousines packed with gas canisters to attack targets in London and New York.

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