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Canada strips Suu Kyi of honorary citizenship

October 01, 2018 00:00:00

I would like to thank the Canadian parliament for stripping off the honorary citizenship of Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi on September 27 for failing to denounce the genocide against Rohingyas in her own country. Ottawa had given the rare honour to Suu Kyi in 2007.

I think all the countries of the world should voice their anger against the inhuman, shameful genocide of the twenty-first century that was wrought against the Rohingyas in Myanmar for many years. I cannot believe that this happened in the age of high-speed internet, facebook, and twitter when the world acts to be more tolerant. The world is still not doing enough for the Rohinyas. A collective voice can bring about a much-needed change in the life and conditions of helpless Rohingyas. The Myanmar military campaign of killing, rape, and torture drove a million Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar to Bangladesh, where they are now refugees. Bangladesh's Prime Minister recently urged world leaders to exert pressure on Myanmar so that they feel compelled to take back their citizens with shelter, security and honour.

Iqbal Siddique

Shajahanpur, Dhaka

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