Letters to the Editor

Children's addiction to screens

FE Team | Published: December 03, 2020 19:15:22

Children's addiction to screens

Children are often quite fussy when it comes to eating and parents constantly find it difficult to feed them. So, what do we tend to do? We nowadays turn on television or hand them a smartphone while eating. Undoubtedly, it serves the purpose. While watching YouTube rhymes, cartoons or playing games, children eat but have we ever thought about the effects of screen time on children? It has been observed how harmful and distressful it can be for them in the long run. It can affect them physically and mentally.
Besides feeding time, it looks like every parent only has one solution now to calm their children: A mobile phone. Apparently, this works out for parents for the time being but makes children addicted to phones which can damage their eyesight or even create psychological disorders.
There was a time when parents, in desperate need of soothing their child, would take out a favourite toy, rattle, or book from their bags. If we see in recent time every child has a mobile phone in their hands. Monitoring their screen time is a must for parents. It is my suggestion for all parents to spend more time with their children and engage themselves in their play.
Afroza Sheikh
Dania, Dhaka

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