Combating human trafficking---

FE Team | Published: January 29, 2022 19:18:47

Combating human trafficking---

The issue of human trafficking is worrying for Bangladesh. News of human trafficking seems to be a daily occurrence in the media. Recently, seven Bangladeshis lost their lives while crossing the Mediterranean to Europe. Such events testify to the prevailing cycle of human trafficking. Human trafficking is growing at an alarming rate every year. A section of Bangladeshi unsuspecting women and children are being thus trafficked all the time.
The act of trafficking is not possible on the part of a single person. There is a huge network behind this heinous crime. They are scattered in different parts of the country. At first, they identify innocent and poor people interested to go abroad. Then they are tricked into accepting their false offer of high-paying jobs in different countries of Europe. Then they take money from them and smuggle them out of the country. Far from decreasing, human trafficking is taking a terrible turn day by day.
Victims of trafficking are living a miserable life, bringing pain, frustration, and uncertainty to their relatives in the country. Therefore, awareness can be created by spreading the stories of their plight among the people of remote areas. On this score, the mainstream as well as the social media needs to play a proactive role. Bangladesh has strict laws against human traffickers. The administration must bring the perpetrators of human trafficking to justice through proper enforcement of the law. Awareness building is also necessary in this regard.
Chandan Mondal,
Student of Department of Economics,
Government Titumir College, Dhaka.

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