Letters to the Editor

Consequences of illegal migration

FE Team | Published: May 05, 2024 22:07:09 | Updated: May 05, 2024 22:47:46

Consequences of illegal migration

While there are established rules and procedures for legal immigration, some individuals opt to cross dangerous routes to enter developed countries without adhering to these regulations, in the hope of securing a better life. This behaviour constitutes a legally punishable offence. Although legal avenues for immigration exist, economic hardships and failure to meet prescribed qualifications often drive individuals to seek the assistance of unscrupulous brokers who facilitate illegal migration to more economically accessible developed countries. In pursuit of financial stability, they choose the risky path of illegal immigration.
Some of the world's most perilous smuggling routes for illegal immigrants are concentrated in the Mediterranean region. The Central Mediterranean, identified by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), stands out as one of the deadliest smuggling routes. Additionally, routes exist to breach the border fence between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla, traverse Africa's Sahara desert into Europe, and cross the much-discussed US-Mexico border into the US. Many perish or go missing while attempting these treacherous journeys.
According to a recent UN statement in March, at least 8,565 people died in 2023 while attempting migration routes worldwide (United Nations, AFP news). The United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM) noted, "The number of deaths in 2023 has increased by 20 percent compared to 2022." Furthermore, last year's total deaths surpassed the 2016 record, with 8,084 migrants losing their lives.
Recently, there has been a growing trend among citizens of underdeveloped Asian countries to enter Europe illegally, risking their lives in pursuit of a better future. Bangladesh, for instance, has seen a significant number of its citizens applying for political asylum in Europe, with 40,332 Bangladeshis applying last year, most of whom opting for Italy and France.
Both the developed and developing countries must make a concerted effort to address the issue of illegal immigration. Investments should be directed towards improving local economies in various countries worldwide, thereby discouraging illegal migration. Efforts to establish political stability in regions with unstable political climates should be prioritised. European countries with liberal immigration policies should tighten their immigration regulations to mitigate the influx of illegal immigrants in the long term.

Apu Debnath
Department of Accounting
Khilgaon Model University College

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