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Letters to the Editor

Critical examination of product reviews

June 21, 2024 00:00:00

In the age of digital shopping, product reviews play a critical role in influencing consumer decisions. There has been a rising tendency among the current generation to explore reviews before making any decision. Reviews can be written in various ways. However, reviews written in the present tense are consistently rated as more helpful compared to those written in the past or future tense.

Reviews written in the present tense create a sense of immediacy and relevance. For instance, when a reviewer states, "This product works flawlessly," it conveys an ongoing experience, making it feel more realistic and dependable. This contrasts with the past tense, which might imply that the experience is no longer relevant ("This product worked perfectly"), or the future tense, which can sound speculative ("This product will work perfectly"). The use of the present tense enhances the perceived authenticity and reliability of the information provided.

For consumers, understanding this nuance can help them write reviews that are more impactful and advantageous to others. By using the present tense, reviewers can ensure that their feedback is taken seriously and contributes meaningfully to the purchasing decisions of future buyers. For businesses, encouraging customers to write in the present tense could lead to a repository of reviews that are viewed as more reliable and useful. This, in turn, can boost consumer confidence and drive sales. Companies might consider providing guidelines or tips for writing effective reviews, highlighting the use of the present tense as a key tactic.

Additionally, they can adopt multiple campaigns to make consumers aware of strategies for writing attractive reviews and ensure these techniques are well described on their websites. Furthermore, some companies might select and reward customers who have followed the proper guidelines and made their reviews appealing.

Therefore, by focusing on the present tense, reviewers can make their feedback more convincing and helpful. This small adjustment not only benefits other consumers but also helps businesses build trust and credibility in their products. It can create a favourable impact for both parties. As the digital market place continues to grow, such insights become invaluable tools for improving the overall shopping experience.

Fahad Zeya and Nargis Sultana

Assistant Professor

Dept of Finance and Banking

Comilla University

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