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Letters to the Editor

Curbing dust, smoke in Dhaka city

December 03, 2022 00:00:00

The winter season brings with it the threat of allergy. Many are unaware that allergic conditions are aggravated due to low air quality and increased air pollution. Dhaka city remains carpeted under thick smoke and dust for most of the days in winter. People have no choice but to inhale all the toxic chemicals into their body. Those who are prone to dust allergy often need to be rushed to the doctor's chamber, wheezing and sneezing along the way. This continues every year, and will do so unless the authorities concerned decide to do something about it.

The city corporation authorities have not yet started sprinkling water on city roads to control dust. Brick kilns and other mills and factories in and around the city are continuing as usual. If this situation goes on, more people will have to visit doctors with a number of respiratory diseases.

Bangladesh needs to move towards more sustainable systems if any significant change is to be made. At the same time industrial companies need to be fined heavily for producing toxic waste. Only by reducing pollution can give us a high-quality life as we deserve it.

Abu Elias Linkon,

Banasree, Dhaka,

[email protected]

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