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Search date: 03-05-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Declining number of tigers

May 03, 2018 00:00:00

THE number of tigers, the largest of the cat species, are declining in our country as elsewhere in the world. But they should be protected from being extinct to maintain among other things ecological balance. It is, indeed, an endangered animal with the total number of the wild tigers across the world expected to be around 4,000. Bangladesh has the third highest tiger population after India and Malaysia. Since 2008, tiger has been included as endangered on the red list of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and is threatened increasingly by the hunters and poachers. None of the Tiger Conservation Landscapes within its range is considered large enough anywhere in the world to support an effective population of more than 250 adult individuals. Happily, our government has taken some initiatives of late to protect tigers from illegal hunters and poachers and remove collective apathy of the people against tigers by raising their awareness about the significance of wild tigers for preservation of the country's ecological balance.

Mohammed Fahim

Moghbazar, Dhaka

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