Informing students about capital mkt intricacies
One of the reasons why capital market debacle surfaced in Bangladesh back in 2010-2011 can be attributed to little or no knowledge by majority investors of how the stock market operates in a dynamic environment and feeble analytical panache. They would merely trade relying on word of mouth backed by...
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Daily planning helps in managing time
Rory Vaden, the author of the book Procrastinate on Purpose, said, "Today, time management is no longer logical. Today, time management is emotional. Our feelings of guilt, and fear, and worry, and anxiety, and frustration, those things dictate how we choose to spend our time, as much as anything that's...
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‘It’s not always the most interesting idea that wins, but the most feasible one’
Team Bangladesh, consisting of Mahbub Rahman Nafee, Afnan Bin Ashraf and Rafid-ur Rob, secured the first runner-up position at Unilever Future Leaders' League (FLL) 2018. After winning the national round of this competition, this team got the opportunity to represent Bangladesh in the global arena. About Unilever FLLUnilever Future Leaders'...
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