Drinking too much water not good

FE Team | Published: August 24, 2019 20:20:31

Drinking too much water not good

We often think that if we drink more water, it is better for health. However, even a good practice like drinking water can turn into a health risk, if we do that excessively. One of my childhood friends always kept a bottle with him and drank regularly, a practice which was not very common in those days. Health awareness has increased and schoolboys and office goers carry bottles. However, we need to know drinking too much water can overburden our heart. Excessive water consumption leads to dilution of blood and causes the cells to swell. Potassium is an important mineral but excess water in the system may cause a major dip in potassium and it may cause problems like irritation, chest pain and muscle cramps. Then, how much water should we drink? We should determine that seeing the colour of urine -- if it is light yellow we don't need to drink extra water but if it is dark yellow we need to drink more water. Water requirement depends on a person's physical activities, weather, age, gender, body weight, and medication. Let's maintain a balance in water consumption to ensure a healthy life.
Mohammed Sohel Hara
Bonosree, Dhaka

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