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Search date: 29-11-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Election fever grips the country

November 29, 2018 00:00:00

The whole country seems to be excited about the upcoming elections. If one opens a newspaper, news website or television channel, he or she will be flooded with news and articles related to the elections.

Even in small roadside tea stalls, at offices and hangouts, people are discussing the latest developments leading to the upcoming elections. The atmosphere is especially festive this year as almost all the political parties are likely to take part in the polls.

The number of untoward incidents in Dhaka or other parts of the country is also very low till date.

The Election Commission should play its due role at providing equal opportunity to all political parties. No one should enjoy extra advantage.

Till now the atmosphere is peaceful. I hope it will remain like this, so that the election can be held in a fair and peaceful manner.


Shahjahanpur, Dhaka

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