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Search date: 29-11-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Making mutual funds attractive to investors

The state of the country's stock market is pitiable, in terms of investors' participation. Yet the price level of most listed issues on both the bourses is found to be in keeping with their fundamental strength. Rather, a few stocks, including the ones belonging to the multinational companies, are unreasonably...

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Financing international cooperation

Today, the provision of public goods and services at the global and regional level is dangerously inadequate. The United Nations system, the European Union (EU), and other multilateral organisations are under great stress, because their budgets are inadequate to meet their responsibilities. While a few free-market ideologues may still argue...

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Improving management of the savings tools

The government's net borrowing from state-owned savings instruments continues to rise over the years. The sales of such tools in the first quarter have already exceeded more than 50 per cent of the target set by the government for the current fiscal year. There is no denying that due to...

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Election fever grips the country

The whole country seems to be excited about the upcoming elections. If one opens a newspaper, news website or television channel, he or she will be flooded with news and articles related to the elections. Even in small roadside tea stalls, at offices and hangouts, people are discussing the latest...

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Japan's labour shortage is an opportunity for Bangladesh

Japan is planning to recruit more than 500,000 workers from foreign countries by 2025. This can be a great opportunity for Bangladesh. The number of foreign workers in Japan crossed 1.28 million in October 2017. If the new plan is implemented by 2025, this number would increase by 39 per...

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Say 'no' to sedentary lifestyle

Now-a-days, most people residing in the urban areas of Bangladesh are leading a sedentary lifestyle. They hardly have time to engage in physically strenuous activities. This is because most people are working long hours in offices. Most of the time, they are stuck in their cubicles or hunched before computers...

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