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Say 'no' to sedentary lifestyle

November 29, 2018 00:00:00

Now-a-days, most people residing in the urban areas of Bangladesh are leading a sedentary lifestyle. They hardly have time to engage in physically strenuous activities.

This is because most people are working long hours in offices. Most of the time, they are stuck in their cubicles or hunched before computers at office for long periods of time. When they become free, mobile phone, computers, the internet and other information technological devices take up their time again.

Very recently, I found myself unable to move after I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I went to see a doctor. He told me that my inactive lifestyle is the main reason behind my pain. He said that if I want to be fit and healthy, I should exercise regularly.

I am glad that I have found the problem before it went out of hand.

In such ways, our inactive lifestyle can catch up with us. While mine was a physical ailment, most people have other diseases at an early age due to sedentary lifestyle. For example, diabetes and hypertension can be caused by inactivity.

It's about time that people became more conscious about these issues. Even a small amount of exercise daily like walking can bring about dramatic and positive changes to someone's health.

An active lifestyle can also ensure more productivity. Physically active people are usually more content in their professional and personal life than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Mohammad Sohel Hara

Banasree, Dhaka

[email protected]

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