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Letters to the Editor

Embracing 3ZERO vision for better future

September 12, 2024 00:00:00

The Theory of Three Zeroes represents an ambitious vision of achieving Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions. This concept was pioneered by Dr Mohammad Yunus, the current head of our interim government. Dr Yunus describes it as a comprehensive and sustainable economic model that prioritises social welfare over personal profit.

The goal of Zero Poverty seeks to eliminate poverty by leveraging microfinance, a tool that Dr Yunus himself popularised through the Grameen Bank. By providing small loans to individuals without requiring collateral, microfinance creates opportunities for self-sustenance, enabling people to lift themselves out of poverty.

Zero Unemployment envisions a world where unemployment is eradicated by fostering entrepreneurship. Instead of relying solely on traditional employment, individuals are encouraged to create jobs for themselves and others, fostering a culture of self-reliance and innovation.

Finally, Zero Net Carbon Emissions addresses the urgent issue of climate change. This aspect of the theory focuses on promoting sustainable, greener practices and reducing environmental pollution. The goal is to achieve a balance between carbon emissions and the capacity of natural ecosystems to absorb them, thereby mitigating global warming and its impacts.

The broader framework of this theory is described in Dr Yunus's book, A World of Three Zeroes. This economic philosophy has the potential to transform Bangladesh into a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous nation, serving as a model for the world.

Fahim Muntasir


North-South University

[email protected]

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