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Letters to the Editor

Emphasising career-oriented education

May 16, 2024 00:00:00

The more orderly the education system of a country, the better is the quality of education. Unfortunately, our country's education system is flawed from start to finish. The transition from education to work is particularly problematic. Universities, supposed to be the pinnacle of learning, emphasise rote learning over research. How much of the university syllabus involves actual knowledge practice? This remains a critical question.

University libraries are overwhelmed with students taking job preparation instead of reading academic books. This indicates a fundamental flaw in either the academic study method or the job test method. Students are not scrutinised in academic tests the same way they are in job tests. While a student can easily get a high GPA or CGPA, securing a job remains difficult due to the lack of compatibility between academic studies and job-related studies.

Thousands of students in seven government colleges affiliated with Dhaka University face improper evaluation of their test papers. Many students complain that teachers mark based on the number of pages and handwriting, which is very disheartening. What will happen to these students in the long run?

A significant number of talented students leave for higher education abroad every year. In the 2021-22 academic year, about 49,000 students went to 57 countries, with 11,000 going to the United States alone in 2022. According to UNESCO, 70,000 to 90,000 Bangladeshi students migrate abroad annually for higher education, with very few returning home. Job insecurity, political interference in education, poor school environments, and lack of global standards drive students abroad. Most students need 2-3 additional years after completing their honours to secure a desired job.

Our university students believe that no matter how much they study academically, they will still need to prepare for job exams by studying Maths, English, and General Knowledge. So, job preparation starts from the first year. It is time to reform the university education system and our societal perspectives. In our society, a government office assistant is valued more than a successful entrepreneur, indicating a need for change in social attitudes.

We must introduce career-oriented education in our universities. Career-oriented technical education is relevant for the present era. Prioritising the quality of education over the number of higher education institutions is crucial. The academic syllabus should be aligned with job-related studies. Aligning academic education with job tests is essential.

Sakibul Hasan


Dhaka College

[email protected]

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