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Letters to the Editor

Encouraging creative work

January 06, 2024 00:00:00

Any creative work --- be it singing, reciting, dancing, writing poetry or rhymes or other creative work ---can give one a sense of self-satisfaction and sometimes additional income. Again, many people are doing various online-based jobs, such as YouTube video content, social media videos and many more. Many are trying to become self-reliant by becoming entrepreneurs. Looking around us, we see thousands of young dreamers who are striving to become self-reliant by utilising their talent and inspiring others through their work. These energetic people need a little encouragement and emotional support to move forward. A little inspiration from family, society friends can accelerate their work.

But the sad thing is that instead of encouraging the work of these dreamers, they are ridiculed and humiliated in various ways. Budding singers, poets, reciters, writers, entrepreneurs, YouTubers are mocked in various ways. Because of this, they lose their motivation to work. Many deviate from their goals. Some suffer from inferiority complex and mental problems. A dreamer's dream is nipped in the bud. A potential life is destroyed.

However, if they were given the opportunity to move forward with a little encouragement and emotional support, then they could have become self-reliant through work, as well as they could have given something good to the nation. It would have created employment for some unemployed people. So, we should encourage and inspire these dreamers and energetic people instead of making fun of them.

Ashikujaman Syed,

Marketing Research Associate, HC Minerals,

Shijiazhuang, China,

[email protected]

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