Letters to the Editor

Encouraging weaker students

FE Team | Published: January 04, 2024 20:11:35

Encouraging weaker students

Education is used as a touchstone by teachers to shape the life of students. They impart lessons on the strength of their knowledge and experience to students and make them worthy citizens of the country. They play a pivotal role in influencing students not only in their academic development but also in their personal growth and character formation.
Beyond the classroom, teachers often serve as mentors, guides and role models, leaving an indelible impact that extends far beyond the curriculum. They carve a place in the hearts of students through their advice, suggestions and guidelines. They inspire students to know the unknown, to see the unseen and to know the known anew.
Teachers inspire students to get a drive to do well and succeed in life. The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow and teachers are motivators and trainers who make children ready for their future. However, it is seen that teachers often pay more attention to those who are doing well in a class, give them special importance, take care of them and help them with special advice if needed.
As a result, students with relatively poor performance and grades suffer from a kind of inferiority complex and start looking down upon themselves. Besides, it causes anxiety, depression, emotional distress to lagging or underachieving students instead of benefiting them. But things can dramatically change for the so-called weaker students if teachers shower love and affection on them.
Even a less attentive student can better his/her results if s/he gets teachers' support and care. Many a time, students and parents complain that they do not get good grades in the examination unless they come to the class of the same teacher and take private coaching from him. This has to come to an end. Let us hope that our teachers pay equal attention to all of their students.

Ashikujaman Syed,
Marketing Research
Associate of HC Minerals,
Shijiazhuang, China,

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