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Letters to the Editor

End the impunity culture

October 01, 2020 00:00:00

It's surprising to see quite a number of cases of rape and despite all national efforts we can't get rid of this heinous crime. Some other crimes like throwing acid at women have come down, but not rape. It's not that the rapists were not punished when the incidents came to light. There are a number of laws to deal with the rape incidents.

In such a situation, the country's policymakers, thinkers and social leaders need to raise question about why the number of such crimes cannot be brought down to zero. It's found in some cases that the rapists were not aware of punishment. In other cases like the most recentSylhet college case, the rapists appeared to have been powerful and they got away with some excesses. So, we need to put an end to the culture of impunity that provokes some offenders to continue with the crime.

Sablu Shahabuddin

Pabna University of Science and Technology

[email protected]

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