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Search date: 01-10-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Dealing with increased urban population

The prediction about the country's urban population is grim. Currently, 35.70 per cent (about 45 million) of Bangladesh population lives in cities and towns and this population size is likely to double in 2050 and triple by this century at 100 million. The rural population is likely to stabilise at...

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Lives and livelihoods during the pandemic

Covid-19 has taken a heavy toll on the global economy. According to government officials, especially those who are responsible for safeguarding the economy of the country, Bangladesh economy is not in that bad shape as one would have thought in the global context. Yes, the economy has shrunk but not...

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Sukuk bond to hit local market soon

Sukuk, a sharia-compliant bond-like instrument used in Islamic finance, can play a great role in financing infrastructure projects in Bangladesh. It has been identified by the central bank as a key instrument in mobilising funds for the private sector and government-related bodies to develop the country's mega infrastructure projects. The...

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Upgrading from LDC status or not!

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, according to Newton's third law of motion. The same applies to Bangladesh's apparently hurried move to publicise its graduation from least developed country to a developing country. While it enhances slightly the country's international standing, the change in the status...

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End the impunity culture

It's surprising to see quite a number of cases of rape and despite all national efforts we can't get rid of this heinous crime. Some other crimes like throwing acid at women have come down, but not rape. It's not that the rapists were not punished when the incidents came...

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Reopening movie threatres

The pandemic has seriously affected the entertainment industry and the cinema industry is now facing a double-edged crisis. When authorities have assured the owners of movie theatres of allowing them to reopen the theatres, they themselves are now hesitant. Because, the producers are hardly interested in releasing their new movies...

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Don't forget farmers!

Whenever there is food crisis or price-hike of essentials such as onion, the city-centric opinion leaders talk about self-sufficiency and support to farmers. They, however, always faced price fall once there was a bumper production of crops, be it paddy or potato.It is hardly noticed that they are victims of...

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