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Letters to the Editor

Ensuring environmental sustainability

August 06, 2024 00:00:00

Environmental sustainability is the practice of preserving natural resources and minimising environmental impact to ensure the well-being of current and future generations. It encompasses various aspects, including reducing carbon emissions, conserving water and energy, protecting biodiversity, and promoting renewable energy sources.

Key strategies for achieving environmental sustainability include transitioning to clean energy sources like solar and wind power, implementing energy-efficient technologies, reducing waste through recycling, and utilising eco-friendly transportation options such as electric vehicles and public transit. Additionally, promoting sustainable agriculture practices like organic farming and agro forestry helps protect soil health, conserve water, and minimise chemical pollution, which are essential for both the environment and human health.

Furthermore, ensuring environmental sustainability involves adopting practices and policies that conserve resources, promote renewable energy, manage waste responsibly, preserve biodiversity, encourage sustainable practices across industries, and prioritise socio-economic awareness. By integrating these principles into decision-making processes and daily actions, we can work towards our goal of creating a healthier planet for current and future generations, mitigating environmental degradation, and fostering a sustainable world.

Injammam Hoque Raiyan

Student of North South University

[email protected]

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