Fake freedom fighters and their certificates

Shaikh Saleque | Published: August 14, 2014 00:00:00 | Updated: November 30, 2024 06:01:00

It seems the government has at last sat up on the issue of fake freedom fighters. There was a mushroom growth of 'freedom fighters' following the government announcement of various facilities to the freedom fighters. These facilities include two years' extension of service, 30 per cent quota in government jobs and admission in public educational institutions for their children, and monthly honorarium. Lured by the benefits, fresh claimants were emerging in recent years  stating they fought the liberation war, although in 1971, many of them were too young to carry a weapon, let alone fight.
Three years ago, the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs received a total of 192,000 applications for enlistment as freedom fighters. The list must have swollen by now. It looks the warriors, after tirelessly fighting the war felt fatigued and went on a 'Rip Van Winkle' sleep for four decades. They only woke up from slumber when a fairy whispered into their ears of the benefits.
Of late, good sense has prevailed on the government, and it has realised that creation of fake heroes should stop. In a unique move the government has cancelled the certificates of 191 government officers and employees on finding those fake. It has been learnt that many more employees of the Republic are under scrutiny as regards the veracity of their certificates. This indeed goes to establish the fact that a large number of government officials fraudulently obtained certificates over the past few years.
Cases of six secretaries including the secretary of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs itself are being scrutinised by the ACC (Anti corruption Commission). Those stripped off the certificates they procured through fraudulent means and out of sheer greed include high officials like joint secretaries, executives of Bangladesh Bank, doctors, engineers, and even teachers. It is good to learn that the government would not stop there, moves are on to institute criminal cases against them, as well as taking back all facilities they received as freedom fighters.      
In November 2012, the government extended the retirement age of freedom fighters from 59 years to 60. Earlier in April 2010, their retirement age was extended by two years from 57. Following the 2012 extension, the number of freedom fighters in government services stood at 11,150. Who knows how many of them are freedom fighters and how many are fake and opportunity seekers?
From the early days of independent Bangladesh, there was a provision for freedom fighters seeking government jobs to proclaim themselves as freedom fighters. However, some of the 'lateral entry' freedom fighters did not do so. The former Minister for Liberation War Affairs A B Tajul Islam who was instrumental in issuing many of the certificates to fake freedom fighters defended them, saying, "The government officials explained that they had not claimed themselves as freedom fighter at the time of joining the service apprehending that anti-liberation forces in the government might harass them; and we were convinced." Great warriors indeed! How can a warrior who, risking his life, fought the Pakistani army and their local heinous associates shun away from identifying himself as freedom fighter in the liberated country?
The monthly honorarium being provided to the freedom fighters also sparked many, particularly in the rural areas, to run mad for certificates. Many of them managed to get those either through political influence or the local command of Muktijodda Sangsad, and government officials  -- with money.
A praiseworthy move that will help the government catch and punish the culprits is by framing a definition of 'Freedom Fighter". It is learnt that a sub committee has been formed to do the job. The definition will restrict people from seeking certificates. It is regrettable that during the 43 years of independence, no government could prepare a proper list of freedom fighters. Different governments refer to different numbers of freedom fighters. One thing was common; each government included its people in the list.

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