Favouritism and nepotism at work

FE Team | Published: October 23, 2018 20:04:24

Favouritism and nepotism at work

A workplace needs to have an environment that will nurture professionalism. People working in such an atmosphere will be more efficient and creative.
This is why nepotism and favouritism are bad in workplace. Nepotism occurs in a workplace when senior officials prefer family members and friends working at the same organisation to take on the important responsibilities, tasks and promotions over other employees who have capabilities to do the same task or get the promotion.
Favouritism is slightly different. This is when any senior official tends to have a bias towards any employee over other employees. Due to the bias, the important tasks and responsibilities tend to go to that employee. This allows him or her to become a prime candidate for upcoming promotions and bonuses. In such ways, others in the same organisation are deprived as they are not given the opportunity to prove themselves.
Favouritism and nepotism can kill the organisational goals in the long run. These can lead to conflict and low morale among the team members. There will be higher employee turnover which will affect the reputation of the organisation.
Such problems are prevalent in many firms and organisations in Bangladesh. The senior management of these organisations should rectify themselves and foster professional working environments.
Ayasha Akter
East West University, Dhaka

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