Letters to the Editor

Heat waves a threat to education system

FE Team | Published: May 04, 2024 22:04:14

Heat waves a threat to education system

The scorching heat waves pose a serious threat to our educational system, particularly following the COVID-19 pandemic. Apparently, the ongoing circumstances have necessitated the temporary closure of educational institutions or the implementation of online classes due to health concerns. It is evident that the situation has caught many unawares leaving students vulnerable to illness, with some schools even experiencing the unfortunate news of teachers' deaths.
Universities, including Dhaka University, have been conducting online classes during heat waves. However, some departments have continued to hold semester exams physically, leading to mixed reactions among students. The government and UGC should take stringent measures to ensure the smooth and effective running of classes and exams, surpassing all expectations set during the COVID-19 situation.
Addressing the heat waves' impact on education is imperative for maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the educational system in the face of climate change challenges.
MD Touhidur Rahman Tahsin
Student, Institute of Social Welfare & Research
University of Dhaka

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