Letters to the Editor

How long to wait?

FE Team | Published: August 23, 2020 20:35:27

How long to wait?

It doesn't take minutes to disseminate any information should it be made public, thanks to the media. But confusions over novel coronavirus are far from over. We are yet to know when a vaccine would be ready for mass use and when the pandemic is going to end. Faced with health risks and financial uncertainties, many people are getting depressed, no doubt.
One of the key reasons of such uncertainties is absence of global leadership and cooperation. We've rather seen already a 'vaccine nationalism', which only shows failure of globalisation. As nations need to survive, most of them are trying to meet their own needs.
We think countries like Bangladesh should try to enhance domestic efforts in collaboration with non-resident Bangladeshis to improve healthcare services and ensure access to research findings, including vaccine and treatment. Updating people with the latest developments and health tips and accurate information may help combat the virus better.
Sabbir Ahmed
Leeds, UK

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