Illiteracy and economic independence

FE Team | Published: May 02, 2018 20:07:49

Illiteracy and economic independence

EDUCATION is like a shed on our head to protect us from social adversities. More than four decades have passed since we achieved our independence, but unfortunately illiteracy could not be eradicated completely from the country. It is well known that without eradicating illiteracy we shall not be able to achieve desired prosperity and build a developed country we have been dreaming of. Illiteracy is a major problem for any society as it causes problems like poverty, corruption, and backwardness. Ours is a country of small space, but an inordinately large population. But we can make best use of the huge population if we can educate them as education is inseparably linked with development. Half of our population is illiterate and women are lagging behind their male counterparts in terms of literacy. I am sure that we are moving towards our goal of eradicating illiteracy - albeit at a speed slower than required. We need to accelerate the pace further to educate the people and develop the society. I am sure with added speed and renewed effort we shall be able to ensure education for all which is one of the citizens' fundamental rights and nobody should be deprived of it.
Faisal Ahmed
Uttara, Dhaka

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